3Dponics Launches First 3D-Printable Garden for Medical Marijuana

*UPDATE* July 8, 2015
The response to our news has been amazing! And while we’re ecstatic at all the interest and press coverage we’ve received, we feel that the true intent behind the 3Dponics Herb Garden may have been lost or overshadowed by the media.
We’d just like to underline the fact that we created this 3D-printable hydroponic system NOT to promote illegal drug use or drug culture, but to help people in need, in those places of the world where the cultivation of marijuana is legal.
So far, these places include Oregon, Colorado, Alaska, Washington and Washington D.C., but more and more countries, states and provinces are moving toward the legalization of cannabis, and soon, it is expected to become a completely legal (and regulated) industry. When that day comes, our Herb Garden will be readily available and accessible.
On a final note, the 3Dponics Herb Garden doesn’t have to be used solely for growing weed. It has countless other applications and is a great way to grow herbs, greens and even small fruits and vegetables in small urban spaces. We urge people to keep an open mind, respect the law and understand the true intention behind our design.
——————end of update———————
We have many exciting developments to announce today, and it all starts with the unveiling of our new hydroponics system, custom designed for the cultivation of medical marijuana.
Why the focus on medical marijuana? Well, with the legal cannabis industry exploding (approximately $2.7 billion in 2014 and expected to reach $11 billion by 2019) and full legalization of marijuana quickly spreading across states, there’s no doubt in our minds that there will be a huge demand for easy, DIY growing systems, especially in big cities where the majority of people live in tiny apartments with limited outdoor space.
3Dponics for Medical Marijuana: System and Features
One of our main goals with this new system is to give city dwellers an easy, compact and inexpensive way to grow their own weed. 3Dponics for Medical Marijuana is a modular garden that functions like any other drip hydroponics system–water is pumped from the reservoir to the top of the system and slowly but steadily drips continuously,
There are just three parts–the pot, the planter and the lid–and they can all be customized, shared and downloaded for free on our website.
Much like Legos, the components snap into place together, allowing you to make your garden as big or as little as you want it. All you have to do is top up the reservoir with water (or nutrient solution) every week or so.
Remember, cannabis is a very adaptable plant, so it can grow in practically any climate. As a result, hydroponic systems can be a very effective means of cultivating marijuana outside of its natural habitat (i.e. in apartments or basements) as long as proper care is given.
To ensure the healthiest of plants, we’ve partnered with General Hydroponics, using their organic nutrient solutions to feed our plants since last summer. General Hydroponics is a major manufacturer of hydroponic equipment and has one of the most popular DIY hydroponic systems on the market today. As part of this partnership, we’ve agreed to develop upgraded parts for their systems, which we’ll be rolling out sometime next month!
Chuck Rifici joins 3Dponics as new advisor
In addition to this exciting news, Chuck Rifici, current Chief Financial Officer of the Liberal Party of Canada as well as co-founder and former CEO of Tweed Marijuana, will be offering his talent, insights and experience to 3Dponics as our new advisor while we explore the new world of medical marijuana.
If you don’t already know, Mr. Rifici’s company, Tweed Marijuana, is one of Canada’s largest producers of medical cannabis. We consider ourselves extremely lucky to have Mr. Rifici and his expertise on board as we continue to develop and perfect our latest hydroponics system.
Benefits of medical marijuana
While cannabis legalization is still a somewhat controversial topic, there is an overwhelming pile of evidence that supports the health benefits of marijuana for medicinal purposes and palliative care. This has resulted in growing support for legalization and decriminalization of weed; in fact, 52% of Americans and 66% of Canadians are now in favour of marijuana legalization.
Here are just some of the benefits of medicinal marijuana:
- reducing nausea
- treating discomfort and pain from muscle spasms
- preventing epileptic seizures
- treating glaucoma
- increasing appetite
- calming the nerves and fears of PTSD sufferers
- decreasing anxiety
Cannabis has also been shown to be effective in relieving symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson’s, lupus, arthritis, cancer and a number of other serious conditions. Learn more about medical marijuana here.
The future looks promising
With both medical and recreational marijuana fully legalized in four U.S. states (Oregon, Alaska, Washington and Colorado) and medical marijuana legal in over 20 states as well as in Canada, legal cannabis is the fastest-growing industry in America.
Sooner or later, illegal marijuana will be a thing of the past, and the next step will be to give people the tools and resources they need to grow their own marijuana plants.
For the time being, keep an eye out for the 3Dponics medical marijuana system, coming soon to all the major 3D-printing marketplaces (Thingiverse, Sketchfab, Makexyz, Pinshape, Shapeways, 3D Hubs, etc.). You’ll also be able to access the parts through the 3Dponics Customizer.